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Rubber shock absorber manufacturers teach you how to choose shock absorbers
Source:Lantong Electric Release Date:2024-1-24
Be Read:176Frequency

Rubber shock absorbers have many types and are widely used, but not all occasions are suitable for use. The following is the method of selecting the right rubber summarized by the rubber shock absorber manufacturer. Welcome to your attention.

Rubber shock absorber manufacturers remind everyone that when choosing rubber shock absorber, we must fully understand its own characteristics and choose in combination with the use environment.

First of all, rubber is easy to become brittle at too low a temperature, lose its own elastic deformation, and the shock absorption effect becomes worse, so in the low temperature environment, the shock absorber product with good cold resistance should be selected. Rubber has good corrosion resistance and has good performance in chemical workshops where corrosion is more serious.

For the above summary of the content, I believe that everyone has a understanding of the rubber shock absorber must choose products that can meet the requirements of the working environment, so as to achieve good performance.

For more information, the rubber shock absorber manufacturer will continue to introduce it next time.


Rubber shock absorber manufacturers teach you how to choose shock absorbers
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